Browsing Category: Entertainment

The Romanian Food and Recipes of Resident Evil Village RE8 // Part 2: The Duke’s Kitchen

I’m excited—and not gonna lie, a bit surprised—to be back with Part Two to what has become my Romanian Food and Recipes of Resident Evil Village series (click here to see Part One). Unlike the first, which features recipes displayed as a meal between characters Ethan and Mia, most of which aren’t referenced by name, the recipes we find later in the game via The Duke’s Kitchen have made my job a whole heck of a lot easier!

Here’s a quick and easy round-up of the six recipes featured in The Duke’s Kitchen that you can make at home. (No hunting required… unless that’s your jam. Then, by all means, hunt away!)

Pofta Buna
{Good Appetite}

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The Romanian Food and Recipes of Resident Evil Village RE8 // Part 1: The Beginning {No Spoilers}

If you’re not big into the horror video game space, you may not know that the new Resident Evil 8 – Village is set in Romania. Heck—I didn’t know until my cousin pointed it out. As is typical with mainstream media, when producers or developers set their stories in Romania, it tends to be of the horror variety. I think we have vampires to thank for that. I’m not complaining, though. I’m a huge fan of horror movies. Horror games, on the other hand, are a little more involved and harder for me to stomach. BUT, hearing that RE8 was set in Romania, I popped on a Let’s Play video and hunkered down for the ride.

Much to my surprise—and pleasure—the beginning of the game features Romanian food, some of it even by name! So if you want to eat like Ethan and Mia do at the start of Resident Evil Village, keep reading for my recipe round-up. I promise there are no spoilers! These dishes are featured within the first 15 minutes or so, and I’ll only be referencing the recipes (with a few screenshots) and nothing related to the plot.

↓ Let’s get to it! ↓

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{Entertainment} THEY’RE WATCHING Movie Review

I’m adding a new feature to From Dill To Dracula, which is reviewing forms of entertainment that have been created by or set in Romania. Interestingly enough, so far these tend to be movies of the horror variety, so they may not be everyone’s cup o’ tea. The first one I’m reviewing, in particular, They’re Watching, is more of a campy thriller, which is exactly my kind of horror movie. Think The Evil Dead meets Tucker & Dale vs Evil (also two fantastic movies if you have time).

Before I get into my thoughts, here’s the trailer to get you into the right mindset:

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